Monday, April 1, 2013

Honey Bee

Honeybee is a kind of insect that it has four pair of legs, four wings, three simple eyes and two other big eyes on the top of the head that can let them easy to find the flowers, they live in a flock from 30,000 to 1,000,000. They live, eat, find the food together and really work heard no holiday in a hold life.

The honeybee reproduce by got the egg and they put the egg into the  small hold of the  honeycomb and also put the honey or pollen with the egg that must be important  when the egg became the larva and eat that food later.
Feeding bee we need to plane some kind of tree that have flowers that could be important for bee. And we also choose the suitable place. 

So bee is a small insect but it is really important for people that they help use to have more fruit to eat by making the product for us … and honey is a natural product, delicious food and the magic medicine that pick from pollen of all kind of flowers.

Beside from taking care and increase our power, honey also join to protect our body system with other virus and can help to digest food, heal the wound, cough, phlegm, lung, heart, to make beauty on people and also can help many things on ourselves, and it always as the doctor in every family too.

Yeah… we have seen together that this small insect can work really hard and can live together in the same flock. And it can give us the honey and help the tree to make the fruit for us every year. And you know one more thing is ..the human has found the honey and used it about 10,000 years ago. Please take care this small insect by feeding them inside your village instead.

Palm Tree

Palm tree is known as the most trees have grown in Kompong Speu province. If we drive along the way in national road 4 from the city, we will see the view of many palm trees. Palm tree has so many benefits including the leaf fruit flower and the trunk.  
The leaf we can use to pack a cake (Cambodian cake) make a hat, fan, or sow as thatches to cover and mask the house. 

For the flower we can squeeze to get the juice to drink. When we get the juice we can use the juice to make sugar which Cambodian known as palm sugar. Nowadays for our country is more develop and creative we can see that they also use the juice to make palm vine. For the trunk, people cut it and turn into house’s joists or boats to ride in the lake and waterway.  

There’s one more thing…
It’s the fruits. For the ripe fruits we can make a cake out of it and for the unripe we can cook as SOM LOR KAKO (that’s one of Cambodian dish). For the seed we can eat them fresh or make dessert…and the kernel is can also be eaten. Please help protect and take a good care of these palm trees.

Khmer Noodle

Khmer Noodle was long time in history of Cambodia. It is a kind of Noodle has a small  white string. To make this Noodle they have to take the rice to grind to become the flour and we take it to  squeeze untill it is dry, then we take it to boil  in the hot water about 20 minutes. After that we pound it again and make it to be a small piece and start to
scatter by using the the stick and take them from hot water and that finish.

In truthful  making the Khmer Noodle is taking much time before we could eating, but to make it more good test we all should make a soupe to mix and eat together.