Thursday, March 21, 2013

Kamping Poy Dam (Battambang)

Welcome to Battambong province… is located in Ta Ngen village, Ta kriem commune, Banan district, and 30Km away from the main city. It’s Kamping Poy Dam….

The Khmer hands built this dam, during the time of Khmer Rouge regime. It took two full years to finish it. This dam stretching between two mountains named Phnom Kul or Phnom Ta Ngen and Phnom Kamping Pouy. Have 6Km length, 1900m width and can load 110,000,000 cubic meters.

After the construction was completed in 1977, this dam has been a very important water resource for agriculture of people in 3 communes of 5 thousand hectare, enabling them to continue they’re farming even during the dry season.

Though Kamping Pouy Dam seems to be a nostalgic place for many people that they get there to relive their past and, at the same time, is a barrier built for an agricultural purpose for others, it is a great place for everyone to visit and enjoy.

With its history, natural beauty and facility makes this dam a unique and very popular place to visit.